Cisco 700-826 Logo The 700-826 IOTAM (Cisco IoT Essentials for Account Managers) exam is designed to test an individual's knowledge of Cisco's IoT solutions and how they can be applied to solve business challenges, as well as their ability to sell these solutions as an account manager. By passing this exam, individuals can demonstrate their proficiency in selling Cisco's IoT solutions, and demonstrate their expertise in IoT solutions.

Some of the common topics covered under the 700-826 IOTAM exam include:

  • 1.0 Cisco IoT Portfolio:
This topic covers an overview of Cisco's IoT portfolio and the different IoT solutions that Cisco offers. It includes an overview of the features and benefits of Cisco's IoT solutions, such as real-time data analytics and insights, and how these solutions can be used to address business challenges.
  • 2.0 Extended Enterprise:
This topic covers the concept of the extended enterprise and how it relates to IoT. It includes an overview of the benefits of extending enterprise systems to include IoT devices, such as increased operational efficiency and improved customer experiences.
  • 3.0 Industry Solutions:
This topic covers the different industry solutions that Cisco offers for IoT. It includes an overview of the industry-specific challenges that these solutions can address, such as predictive maintenance in manufacturing, and how these solutions can help organizations achieve their business objectives.

700-826 IOTAM Exam Overview

    Exam Code: 700-826 IOTAM

    Exam Name: Cisco IoT Essentials for Account Managers

    Exam Duration: 60 minutes

    Exam Cost: $80 USD

    Exam Language: English

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